Kelas Karyawan Kelas Pegawai Kelas Eksekutif Kelas Paralel Kelas Non Reguler Kelas Lanjutan Kelas Ekstensi Kelas Khusus Kelas Malam Kelas Sore Kelas,
  Employee Class Program (P2K) 
  (Employees/Officers College, Extensions Class, Weekend Lecture)
  Afternoon / Evening Class Program (PKSM) & Scholarships 
    (Parallel Class, Evening College, Regular Afternoon/Evening Lecture)

New Student Admissions are held EVERY SEMESTER
PKSM and ECP/P2K organizer are colleges reputable and accredited as set out in this side.
Place of study in each of the college campus. 
Acceptance / New Student Registration 
Employee Class Program & Afternoon / Evening Class Program
Even Semester 2014 / 2015
1. For the entire graduate SMA/SMK, D3/Polytechnic/Academy, D1, D2, S1, etc.; proceed to Bachelor (S1) or moved majors.
2. For the entire graduate SMA/SMK, D1, D2, D3, etc.; proceed to Diploma (D-III) or moved majors.
3. To all graduates S1 proceed to S2 Programs

Registration schedules, requirements, how to registration, tuition,
monthly installments, and the start of lectures for
Even Semester 2014 / 2015 in each of the colleges, please click the menu on the left/right of this or Click Here.

New Student Registration Fee = Rp 100.000,-
Registration is open EVERY DAY (including Saturday and Sunday) : Monday to Sunday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Registration can be directly on the each colleges campus, orrepresented or can be via Post, Phone, Fax, mail, or via Internet or via Online Admissionplease click.

Conducted a cross-subsidy to the cost of education (please click) so affordable communities, and tuition credit facilities granted without interest and without collateral so as to afford the monthly installments according to the ability of students.

In accordance with Law-RI No.20 Th.2003 on National Education System (SISDIKNAS) in Section 19 paragraph (2) that "Higher Education organized by the Open Systems".
And Law-RI explanation is written: "Education is an open system of education held by flexibility of choice and completion time cross-unit programs and educational pathways (multi entry-multi exit system).Learners can learn by working, or take educational programs on the different types and pathways in an integrated education, .... etc."

Also in accordance with Constitution 1945 that "Every citizen has the right to education". While there are some among the citizens of the community who have limited free time (especially employees). Also some people who have limited funds.

To meet these needs related Private Colleges (PTS) organizes Employee Class Program (P2K / ECP) atau Afternoon / Evening Class Program (PKSM) simultaneously implement SOCIAL COMMITMENT. That is, withprovide an opportunity for the whole community of graduates SMA, SMK, D3, S1, etc.; both of which have limited free time and limited funds, to continue their education (or moving departments) to Bachelor (S-1) or Diploma (D-III) or Master (S-2) level in majors of interest, a viable and quality appropriate Excellence & Advantages of PTS-related.

Place of study in each of the colleges, for simplicity's sake, here givenmap toward the campus PTS (please click) and public transportation to the colleges campus (please click).

There is not State Exam (same with state colleges / PTN).

For students who work on shifts (turnover time), can still attend lectures well. Because the system is implemented in a professional education with integrate Employee Class Program, Regular Program, and Afternoon / Evening Class Program, so that students who work on shifts (turnover time) can attend classes in other programs with a particular mechanism.

Graduates S1, D-III, and S2 program prepared a Bachelor (S1), Associate Expert (D-III) and Master (S2) in accordance with department / program of study, which can develop their identity with the provision of science, technology, and art , so as to resolve / solve problems and develop their knowledge.

And has a strong ability to master the theory as well as applications, and professional skills as well as a comprehensive perspective; develop mental attitude professional-oriented problem-solving-based reasoning system; able to develop theoretical studies of current conceptual; have the ability to perform a variety of basic and applied research.

Graduates and Students Employee Class Program (P2K), Afternoon / Evening Class Program (PKSM), Extension Program, Parallel Class, and the Regular Program have STATUS, QUALITY, ACADEMIC RIGHTS, DEGREE, and DIPLOMAS THE SAME, and has RIGHTS to use the title and to continue their education to a higher level.

To expedite the acquisition of information, if you want to copy / print overall information about P2K / ECP (Employee Class Program) and PKSM (Afternoon / Evening Class Program), , please click "Overall Information"

If there is something less obvious, please would immediately ask for the service information 17 hours or please click"Contact Us" ini.
If you need catalog / brochure information, please fill out the Request Form on the left side of this catalog, we will deliver free of charge via POS.

Through the site / information, please help Mr / Ms / Br willing to participate would encourage / motivate the family / friends / co-workers to continue / increase higher education in the college, , through Employee Class Program or Afternoon / Evening Class Program..

Thank you,
Higher Education Consultant (KPT / HEC) 
Kelas Karyawan, Kelas Pegawai, Kelas Eksekutif, Kelas Paralel, Kelas Non Reguler, Kelas Lanjutan Kelas Ekstensi ,Kelas Khusus, Kelas Malam ,Kelas Sore Kelas,